Friday, September 26, 2008

from Voice of the Martyrs (link)

IRAN – Parliament Votes to Punish Apostasy with Death

On September 9, Iran's parliament voted in favor of a draft law that would mandate the death penalty for men convicted of apostasy, a charge frequently brought against Christians in the country. If this law passes all stages of Iran’s legislative process, male Muslim converts to Christianity if convicted would have no other punishment than death. Under current Iranian law, apostasy is a capital offense, but the judge is free to decide the penalty. Pray for believers in custody in Iran and ask God to protect them. Ask the Holy Spirit to encourage believers in Iran who are standing for Christ unashamedly despite the cost they might pay. Praise God for their courage.

Israel and Iran

I thought Israel President Peres' remarks at the U.N. quoted here were measured and clear (from the Lekarev Report) -

Peres Speaks to the UN

Following his private meeting with the UN Secretary General, President Shimon Peres also spoke in the United Nations General Assembly one day after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinajad addressed the same body and called Israel "murderers," "deceitful," and in control of international financial centers.

Peres responded firmly, saying that the Iranian leader, whom he did not mention by name, "is a danger to his people, the region and the world. He is a disgrace to the ancient Iranian people. He is a disgrace to the values of Islam. He is a disgrace to this very house, the United Nations, its basic principles and values. His appearance here is already shame."

Peres said that the Iranian people "are not our enemies," but castigated their leadership for standing "at the center of this violence and fanaticism" and for having "built a danger to the entire world. Its quest for religious hegemony and regional dominance divides the Middle East and holds back chances for peace, while undermining human rights. Their despicable denial of the Holocaust is a mockery of indisputable evidence, a cynical offense to survivors of the horror [and is] contradictory to the resolutions adopted by this assembly."

"Tehran combines long-range missiles and short-range minds," Peres summed up.

Peres also noted that Israel's peace overtures have been met with Moslem terrorism: "In Lebanon, we implemented resolution 425. Yet Hezbollah paralyzed the country and cut the road to peace. From Gaza, we withdrew completely and dismantled our settlements. Hamas responded with a bloody takeover and turned the strip into a basis of rocket fire... They added kidnapping to bombings, bringing strife for innocent families. From this important stage, I call for the immediate release of Gilad Shalit, the son of Aviva and Noam, a peace-loving family."

Friday, September 19, 2008

Nonna and Lily

Lily Sofia

Wow, amazing & awesome
It's a beautiful day...

Brooke with Arthur and his "little sister"

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

more Lily Sofia


The quilt Brooke made

An involved and in love dad

Lily Sofia

Monica, Mark, and Lily Sofia DiCristina

She weighed 9 lbs, 8 oz and is 21 inches long. She has very long fingers, and a dimple on one side. She, like all babies, is a miracle. So thanks and praise be to God the Father, creator of all that is... and to Jesus Christ who became a human being of the virgin Mary... and to the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life.

Mark and Monica already have been good stewards of the gift they've been given/loaned (they have been reading and listening and learning) and will be great parents!