Monday, December 17, 2007

Bella (and Once)

On Saturday, Brooke and I went to see "Bella" starring Eduardo Verestegui of Mexico. We had seen the trailer when seeing another movie. It was playing at our local theatre that carries some independent films. We checked it out and it had a good rating. It won awards at a number of film festivals... so we went.

First up, when the film started, one of the film companies shown was "Metanoia Films" - metanoia is Greek for "repentance", so my interest was definitely peaked at that point. It is a sweet and moving film about healing and restoration, love and family; and it portrays Mexicans / Latinos in an overdue positive light.

Eduardo Verestegui is considered a Tijuana Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt of Mexico, but apparently had some kind of conversion a while back when he realized his life was empty because he was living just for himself. He and a few friends started Metanoia Films to produce quality films that would not only entertain but make a difference - which for him includes portraying Latinos as heros (which for him means honorable, faithful, people of integrity, full of wisdom and beauty), as well as encouraging people to live with a sense of mission and to live lives of value... Anyway, you can check out more buzz about it at the site below:


Check out my earlier post regarding the movie "Once" which comes out on video tomorrow - another great independent film.

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