Monday, April 13, 2009

"Careless" words

Last Tuesday evening in our study of the gospel of Matthew we were struck by Jesus' words to the Pharisees who were flinging words at him, attacking him verbally by accusing him of being demonically inspired and empowered:
"on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak" (ESV, Matthew 12:36).

That word, careless, is "argon" in the Greek, which is "ergon" (= "work") + the privative "a" (= absence, removal, or loss of quality or attribute normally present). So, while careless is a fine translation, the idea is bigger than just being kind of flighty or an unthinking chatterbox - it speaks of "unproductive" and "unfruitful" (cf. v. 33) words.

We agreed to pray for each other, to try to be mindful (careful) in our speaking. We reminded each other of the spiritual discipline of silence, and of guarding our hearts - for that's really where our words come from.

I go into that because this morning (Monday of Easter week) the appointed gospel is John 14:1-14, and I noted and was thinking about this verse, where Jesus is telling the disciples that he is in the Father and the Father is in him and so they have seen the Father and they know the way to the Father:
"The words the I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works." (John 14:10).

What an amazing thought. I think Jesus is saying that the words that he speaks are works of the Father. Those would not be "unproductive" or "unfruitful" or careless words!

Let it be so in us, Lord.

"O Lord, so dwell in us, you who live and reign in victory; so work in us, in our minds and in our wills, that we may speak only what you are working in and through us, for life, for wholeness, fruitful, productive work that will last forever in your kingdom."

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