Friday, February 13, 2009

a chalice of grace

I had a chalice of "grace" the other evening courtesy of Dr. Tom Yearwood. What an amazing, beautiful, poignant... delicious picture from "Domaine Serene" - from the kingdom of peace.

Tom got this out because our son Ben is now in Portland, and worked at a vineyard this week. Ben worked at J.K. Carriere.

Once again, my favorite line from George Herbert, from the last stanza of "The Agony":

Who knows not Love, let him assay
And taste that juice, which on the cross a pike
Did set again abroach; then let him say
If ever he did taste the like.
Love is that liquour sweet and most divine,
Which my God feels as blood; but I, as wine.

(Thank you Brooke for getting me another copy Herbert's works for Christmas!)

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